Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to the Brother's Yumm

This blog has been started by two brothers who like good food, to eat, make, read about, talk about etc. In this the first of hopefully many posts we hope to give you an idea of what you will find on the blog and a little bit about us.
The blog has been designed for us to share what we know, what we are doing and what we are learning about the many aspects of cooking. We hope to do this by posting about the books we like, the recipes we are trying, other blogs, and anything else we might do related to cooking. We also hope to create a few resources for cooking including a conversion chart for measurements and possibly some ratios for dry and wet ingredients.
In case you are wondering what kind of people would care this much about cooking we will attempt to justify our passions with a little look into our history. We grew up in a home were home cook meals, good home cooked meals, were commonplace. It wasn't odd to come home from school and smell fresh bread, cookies or other sweet smells. To put it simple we grew up in a home where food was prepared on a regular basis. Along with good food being prepared on a regular basis we were given the summer chores of making the weekly bread and cookies. A chore shared between the four children, which meant you were cooking something every other week. Simply put we grew up a cooking environment. Yeah we were extremely lucky kids. Which made it hard when we left home and those wonderful meals weren't just there. At the time we ventured out on our own we began to fend for ourselves in an attempt to maintain good meals. We were however also on our own so we began to try other foods and ingredients. Spending time over seas helped as well to expand our food interests and tastes.
Now that we have our own families and they like us want to eat. We are attempting to create the same wonderful childhood that we enjoyed with maybe a slight little twist.